Tag Archives: safetypost

CBS New York: Geotagging Dangers

Social Networking Sites May Be Monitored By Security Services

From CBS New York:

“Christina Parker was posting photos of her dog when she received an ominous message from a stranger, saying he knew exactly where she was.

“I thought it was a little scary – they were accurate to my location from my house,” Parker said. “My immediate response was, ‘what happened, how do you know where I am?’”

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NY Daily News: The Dangers of Posting Photos Online


From the New York Daily News:

“Not only can photos be stolen and used by strangers, but many photos, especially those taken by phones or devices with GPS technology, contain tags that reveal exactly where the photos were snapped. In other words, if a parent takes a photo of his or her child playing at home and then posts it online, it’s possible for strangers to know exactly where they live.”

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CNN: “Facebook Parenting” is Destroying our Children’s Privacy

fb logo

From CNN:

“We are living in an era in which every keystroke online, from the information you search for to videos you watch to things you consider buying, is collected, stored, archived, aggregated and potentially shared or sold. And regardless of the false sense of security offered by the key on the upper right corner of your keyboard, there is no delete key for the Internet. Once it’s out there, it’s probably out there forever.”

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Chicago Now: Why I’m Done Posting Photos of My Kid On Facebook

Chicago Now: Why I'm Done Posting Photos of My Kid On Facebook

From Chicago Now:

“We all want to believe that Facebook takes parents’ concerns about privacy seriously. But the truth is that Facebook is a publicly traded company that cares first and foremost about making its shareholders happy. We have no idea how far it will go to do so, especially since the company is not extraordinarily profitable right now. But what we do know is that Facebook is pushing our boundaries now, often, to see just how much of our privacy we’re willing to give away.”

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Qustodio: Turning the Tables: When Parents Misbehave Online

qustodio blog - parents online


From Qustodio:

“A large portion of the images found online are of kids, and it’s no wonder. After all, who doesn’t want to share pics of their little cutie with their friends and family? And social media provides a quick and convenient way to do just that. Unfortunately, it’s not always wise to post images of your kids online, especially without using privacy controls. It’s terrible to think about, but some of the more nefarious characters online can swipe these pictures and use them in horrific ways that could do irreparable harm to your child’s self-image and even their safety.”

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Kidspot: Could Instagramming Your Kids Cause Trouble Down the Line?

Kidspot: Could Instagramming Your Kids Cause Trouble Down the Line?

From Kidspot:

“Many Instagram users are freely posting pics of their kids online for all to see. They’re posting them alongside other beautiful images and gathering followers by the day, (people who are interested in lovely people and beautiful things one would hope.) But this is different from sharing your photo albums with people who come around for a cup of tea. It’s pushing things out to the world at large.”

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